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The intensive program for screaming legs in just one month

The intensive program for screaming legs in just one month

It only takes a month to transform your legs from "relaxed" to "exaggerated"!

The daily plan: Get on the bike and start moving! A short trip every day and 30 minutes of exercise will help you firm your thighs, tone your calves and always feel comfortable with any dress or skirt.

Step 1: jump! Maybe it's since elementary school that you no longer use a jump rope, but it will be pleased to discover that this exercise allows you to improve the muscle tone of both the lower and upper parts of your body. With just 10 minutes you can burn up to 135 calories.

Step 2: Make sure to do at least 15 minutes of stretching every day. It will help you stay flexible and relieve muscle pain from training. Dedicated to all parts of the body, especially the buttocks, thighs, tendons, calves, and ankles.

Step 3: Lunges are a simple but super effective exercise to tone legs and buttocks. Keep your upper body straight, with your shoulders back and your chin up. Take a step forward and then, as if you were to kneel, bring your hips down to form a 90 В° angle with both legs. Do two 15-lunge reps on each leg.

Step 4: Squats are another very useful exercise for firming the legs and creating new muscle mass. Start from an upright position, with your back straight and your legs apart at a distance equal to that of your shoulders. Bend over until you almost reach the position you would have from sitting (or at least as low as you can). If you have difficulty maintaining balance, stretch your arms out in front of you. Repeat the exercise 15 times on each leg acheter Sustanon 250 en ligne.

Step 5: Drawing circles with the legs not only helps you to stretch the leg muscles but also to strengthen the abdominal and lumbar area. To perform this exercise, typical of pilates, lie on your back with your arms at your sides and your hands facing the ground. Raise both legs to form a 90 В° angle with the trunk, then rotate them clockwise 10 times. Repeat in the opposite direction for another 10 times. The legs should remain together, but if you have any difficulties try to spread them slightly.

Here's how to get beautiful and toned legs. But every effort will be in vain if you don't shave in the right way! Try Gillette Venus Spa Breeze for an optimal result, you just need a little water and you're done.

Дата публикации: 30.03.2020 Время: 16-47 Просмотров: 1001
Рейтинг материала: (Всего голосов:0)
Ключевые слова:
intensive screaming month just program legs

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